I have given some thought of a roadmap and how I would keep progressing, this is a rough idea how I would keep progressing from where it is now to a fully functional emulator. The current version I consider is at the 0.1 level and getting Super Mario Odyssey playable is the the 0.5 target. I have given thought to lots of other things I would like to see done and have listed that below. My main goal I am focused on is getting Super Mario Odyssey to be playable on my computer using my own emulator.

It is just an interpreter at this time and is extremely slow. I never thought it would take so long to just get this done, but I just kept working on it. Not much, it has been a lot of work just to get to this point and all I have been able to get it to do so far is show the logo in sonic mania. For the first release I am not even giving out any biniares just a link to github with all my code so far. Yes, it is released under a gpl2 license. Now that showing it is showing some graphics, I thought it was a good time to show what I have done so far. I started working on NXEmu in 2018 which I have been working on NXEmu by myself ever since and it has slowly kept progressing. It is still in the very early stage and not usable for people to play games yet. NXEmu is an open-source Nintendo Switch Emulator written in C++ for Windows.